

We all want to live independently in our own homes. We further want to do that for as long as we can. Our mission is to bring exceptional non-medical care in the homes of our clients that Is gentle and empathetic to enhance the quality of life. We have a dedicated team of health care professionals who are backed by education and experience. As a non-medical care provider, we consider it our duty to ensure the staff we employ share our values and philosophy in its entirety.

Our Services

Live-In Care

Live-in care is care offered around the clock (24 hours) for our seniors. Assistance is typically non-medical and ranges from support with ADLs, housecleaning and grocery shopping to bathing, dressing, and meal preparation.

Companion Care

Companion care is companionship in the home of our client. Your loved one will be joined by one of our kind and gentle caregivers who will take the time to read aloud and engage in conversations among other things.

Personal Care

Personal care entails providing support with bathing, shaving, dressing, mouth care and hair care. Our personable caregivers will support our clients will all the above task in their home.  

Our Process

Gentle Hands Home Care has a unique process in order to support your home care needs. We are able to quickly assess the needs of our clients and recommend a unique custom care plan. The customize care plan help get them the care they need as soon as they need it.

The Initial Call and Meeting

During our initial call, we ask questions to form a basic needs assessment. After the call, one of our care managers will schedule an in-home visit to meet with the family as well as our potential client. During our meeting, we gather additional information, answer necessary questions and further let you know how we can support your home care needs.

The Creation of your custom care plan

Upon completion of our initial meeting, we develop a custom care plan to meet the client’s needs. All care plans are tailored to the specific needs of our clients.

Caregiver selection

This is a very important process and we at Gentle Hands Home Care does not take it lightly. Once you approve your care plan, we will match your needs to the caregiver we know will provide you with excellent care.

Care Supervision

Each client is provided a care binder that will remain in the home. Our caregivers will document all task and activities that is carried out on a daily basis. Further, our care managers make weekly unannounced visits to the home to ensure our caregivers are following the specifics of the client’s care plan.

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